Do you need to order a transcript?
Official transcripts: ZOO Magnet can order them from ZOO office, HGM can order them from HGM office, and all other Learning programs can order them from Counseling office in person. Delivering transcripts can take several business days, so make sure to request them early.
Some important notes to remember about transcripts:
The UC & CSU’s do not require official transcripts at the time you apply. However, they will require an unofficial transcript. Moreover, if you ultimately commit to attending a UC or CSU school, you will need to send a final transcript to that school! You will received an official transcript with your diploma so that YOU can mail it to the college.
Most private colleges require that you self report grades and will not ask for a transcript until your final senior grades are posted (end of June). Your counselor will be able to upload an unofficial transcript via common app.
If you would like a transcript just for your own use, you may request an unofficial transcript from the Counseling Office during nutrition or lunch.
Want to add a community college class to your North Hollywood High School transcript?
If you take a class at a community college that is qualified to receive North Hollywood High School credit, you will need to bring a sealed official transcript from the community college to the North Hollywood High School Counseling Office once your grade has posted. Remember: only some community college courses qualify for credits at North Hollywood High School. For more information, see your counselor.